17-19 September 2024
Erholungsgesellschaft Aachen
Europe/Vienna timezone

Material Circularity Through Reusing AlSi10Mg Waste in 3DPMD

18 Sep 2024, 10:10
Room 2 (Erholungsgesellschaft Aachen)

Room 2

Erholungsgesellschaft Aachen

Oral Presentation Process- and Quality Control & Sustainability Process- and Quality Control & Sustainability


Yiyun Tong (Technical University Munich)


This study investigates the sustainable reuse of printed AlSi10Mg parts in metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) for Plasma Directed Energy Deposition (DED) processes, aiming to advance material circularity in the automotive industry. We focused on evaluating porosity on recycled AlSi10Mg specimens.

The research involved processing AlSi10Mg from used parts into powder for plasma DED, fabricating test specimens, and assessing their mechanical integrity. Preliminary findings suggest that recycled AlSi10Mg powder can achieve mechanical properties comparable to virgin material with optimal parameter adjustments and heat treatment.

These results support a circular economy in metal AM, promoting the reuse of printed AlSi10Mg materials in manufacturing. This approach not only contributes to sustainability but also meets critical performance standards in the automotive sector, demonstrating a viable method for waste reduction and resource optimization in industrial manufacturing.

Speaker Country Germany

Primary author

Yiyun Tong (Technical University Munich)


Mr Natan Nudelis (FIT AG) Daniel Vieweger (Technical University of Munich) Prof. Peter Mayr (Technical University Munich)

Presentation Materials