17-19 September 2024
Erholungsgesellschaft Aachen
Europe/Vienna timezone

ICME-guided design of novel dispersoid strengthened alloys for additive manufacturing

18 Sep 2024, 14:40
Room 2 (Erholungsgesellschaft Aachen)

Room 2

Erholungsgesellschaft Aachen

Oral Presentation Process- and Quality Control & Sustainability Process- and Quality Control & Sustainability


Avinash Hariharan (RWTH Aachen)


Towards the development of high-performance alloys with superior properties (strength and creep), dispersoid-strengthened (DS) alloys manufactured via additive manufacturing (AM) present a promising opportunity for design of high-performance components (e.g. gas burner heads). Challenges arise in alloys not designed for AM due to complex laser-material interactions. Hence, the integration of multi-scale multi-physics experimental and computational methods, i.e., integrated computational materials engineering (ICME), in alloy design for AM is a promising approach to address this issue. This presentation emphasizes the use of an ICME framework to accelerate the development of DS alloys, focusing on process-structure-properties-performance relationships through a synergistic integration of various computational tools, including finite-element models, CALPHAD simulations, phase-field modelling, and further numerical simulations. The culmination of these efforts led to the successful design of a novel alloy, which was subsequently produced using AM. The experimental creep results demonstrated an impressive tenfold decrease in the creep strain rate and 500% increase in the creep life compared to the base alloy.

Speaker Country Germany

Primary author

Avinash Hariharan (RWTH Aachen)


V. P. Narayana Samy (RWTH Aachen University) I. Berglund (QuesTek Europe AB) F. Brasche (RWTH Aachen University) J. Fischer-Bühner (Blue Power Casting GmbH) C. Haase (RWTH Aachen University) B. Nowak (VDM Metals International GmbH) U. Krupp (RWTH Aachen University) P. Rob (RWTH Aachen University) J. H. Schleifenbaum (RWTH Aachen University) F. Yan (QuesTek Europe AB) I. Šulák (Institute of Physics of Materials Brno)

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