22-25 September 2024
ASIA Hotel & Spa Leoben
Europe/Vienna timezone

Non-metallic inclusion capture at the steel-slag interface in tundish simulations

25 Sep 2024, 11:20
ASIA Hotel & Spa Leoben

ASIA Hotel & Spa Leoben

In der Au 1/3, A-8700 Leoben, Austria
Oral Presentation Casting and Solidification of Liquid Metals Session 8


Gerhard Holzinger (K1-MET GmbH)


Non-metallic inclusion have a strong impact on the final product quality in
steel production. Thus, inclusion removal from the melt is an important aspect
of achieving the intended steel properties. In continuous casters the tundish
can be utilized to enhance inclusion removal. One method to promote inclusion
removal within the tundish is the installation of an argon bubble curtain.

The aim of this work was to implement a model for inclusion removal within
the CFD framework of Ansys Fluent. This inclusion flotation model considers
a possible entrapment of inclusions at the steel-slag interface. The underlying
CFD model is an Euler-Lagrangian model, which models the steel and slag phases
using a VOF model. The non-metallic inclusions are modelled using the discrete
phase model. Argon bubble flotation is considered in the model as well.

This work demonstrates the implementation of an interface-capture model for
non-metallic inclusion in a full tundish simulation. This model was developed
by Zhang et al. from detailed simulations of a spherical non-metallic inclusion
at the steel-slag interface.

During model development, simplified simulation cases were used to demonstrate
basic model capabilities and a generic tundish simulation was created to showcase
the full model by comparing inclusion removal with and without argon bubbling.


Zhang, X., Pirker, S. and Saeedipour, M. (2023), Investigation of Inclusion Removal at Steel–Slag Interface toward a Small-Scale Criterion for Particle Separation. steel research int., 94: 2200842. https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202200842

Speaker Country Austria

Primary author

Gerhard Holzinger (K1-MET GmbH)

Presentation Materials