22-25 September 2024
ASIA Hotel & Spa Leoben
Europe/Vienna timezone

Scientific Programme

The Liquid Metal Processing & Casting Conference (LMPC) is a unique symposium that showcases the latest technological and scientific advances related to those industrial processes used to cast large ingots of highly alloyed metals.

The symposium presents a blend of academic and industrial papers on topics including advances in controls and process simulation, ingot defect formation and characterization studies, and process parameter-material properties characterization. The program will include, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • Primary and Secondary Melt Processing including VIM, VAR, ESR, EBCHR, EIGA, Plasma Melting, Ingot Casting, Centrifugal Casting

  • Physical Property Measurements of Liquid Metals

  • Casting and Solidification of Liquid Metals

  • Modeling of Metallurgical Processes including Heat/Mass Flow Modeling of Liquid Metal and Solidification

  • Ceramic, Slag and Refractory Reactions with Liquid Metals

  • Refining, Evaporation and Gas/Metal Reactions

  • Fundamentals of Reactions Involving Liquid Metals in Productions Processes

  • Hydrogen Metallurgy

  • Metallurgical Applications of MHD