22-25 September 2024
ASIA Hotel & Spa Leoben
Europe/Vienna timezone

A System for Evaluating the Interior of a Crucible

23 Sep 2024, 17:30
ASIA Hotel & Spa Leoben

ASIA Hotel & Spa Leoben

In der Au 1/3, A-8700 Leoben, Austria
Oral Presentation Primary and Secondary Melt Processing including VIM, VAR, ESR, EBCHR, EIGA, Plasma Melting, Ingot Casting, Centrifugal Casting Session 10


Ashish Patel


High performance alloys for Aerospace applications are cast in cylindrical copper crucibles. Maintaining the appropriate crucible taper and diameter is critical to a quality casting. The use of micrometers, feeler rods, visual inspection is popular for a quick assessment of crucible diameter and condition. In this work, a sensor is used to measure the crucible diameter, and video camera to record. Both units are mounted on a linear drive, that can traverse longitudinally and rotate around the axis. Preliminary results from a laboratory scale setup will be presented, along with thoughts on scale up.

Speaker Country US

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