A Holistic Approach to Sustainable Steelmaking: Innovative Methods for Achieving Ultra-Low Carbon, Low Nitrogen, and Low Sulfur with Modern Secondary Metallurgy (in session "Impact of changed raw material mix on BOF process and secondary metallurgy")
A novel approach to energy management in electric steelworks (in session "Energy savings and energy efficiency optimization")
Accelerating decarbonization in the steel industry through process design and optimization (in session "Industry 4.0: Automation, modelling and on-line process analyses")
Application of hydrochar composite briquettes for sustainable slag foaming process in the electric arc furnace (in session "CO2 mitigation in iron and steelmaking")
Automatic Scrap ClassificationOpportunities for Improvements of the Scrap ecosystem in Meltshops (in session "Impact of changed raw material mix on BOF process and secondary metallurgy")
BOF Steelmaking - dead or alive? How to survive in the 21st century? (in session "Impact of changed raw material mix on BOF process and secondary metallurgy")
Cavity Formation under Top Blowing on Liquid Bath at Various Gas and Bath Composition (in session "New developments in converter technology")
CFD modelling of AOD converter tuyere region (in session "New developments in converter technology")
CFD-Driven Analysis of EAF Dynamics: Insights into Thermal and Flow Optimization (in session "Transformation towards electric steelmaking (EAF, SMELTER)")
Characteristic analysis of mold level fluctuation in continuous casting Based on Wavelet Transform (in session "Industry 4.0: Automation, modelling and on-line process analyses")
CO2 reduction at Tata LD3 Using Tallman Technologies Focus Post Combustion Technology (in session "CO2 mitigation in iron and steelmaking")
Coarse dust briquetting for reuse in the converter (in session "By-product management in iron and steel production")
Continuous optimization through adaptive boiler cleaning using Shock Pulse Generators (in session "Energy savings and energy efficiency optimization")
Converter Revamping: There's Life in the Old Dog Yet... (in session "New developments in converter technology")
Data-driven predictions of castability in low-alloyed steels with the aid of ab-initio datasets (in session "Industry 4.0: Automation, modelling and on-line process analyses")
Decreasing Hot Metal Ratio with dual-flow post-combustion lance at ArcelorMittal Dunkerque (in session "CO2 mitigation in iron and steelmaking")
Decreasing the environmental impact of the electrical steel route through advanced modelling techniques (in session "Industry 4.0: Automation, modelling and on-line process analyses")
Designing the secondary metallurgy for future steel plant based on Ultimate Electric Arc Furnace (in session "Transformation towards electric steelmaking (EAF, SMELTER)")
Development and Aplication of fully-automated smart steelmaking system on converter applicate at the Ansteel steelmaking plant (in session "Industry 4.0: Automation, modelling and on-line process analyses")
Development of a fuel-flexible ladle preheating system (in session "CO2 mitigation in iron and steelmaking")
Effect of the Jet from Top Lance on Slag Foaming Behavior in Basic Oxygen Furnace Process (in session "New developments in converter technology")
Effects of liquid-phase viscosity, gas phase fraction, and sedimentation particle density on foam bubble structure and particle sedimentation behavior (in session "Transformation towards electric steelmaking (EAF, SMELTER)")
Enhancing Molten Steel Temperature Prediction Using a Hybrid Approach: Machine Learning and Finite Volume Method (in session "Energy savings and energy efficiency optimization")
EVALUATING VACUUM DEGASSING VS. RH DEGASSING AS THE BEST TECHNIQUE FOR EAF MELTING (in session "Impact of changed raw material mix on BOF process and secondary metallurgy")
Evaluation of the changes in oxidic steel cleanness linked to tramp elements introduced by increased scrap recycling (in session "Transformation towards electric steelmaking (EAF, SMELTER)")
Evaluation of the Usage of Secondary Iron Ore Pellets in the DRI-EAF-Process (in session "By-product management in iron and steel production")
Forging the Future: Advanced Automation in Converter Steelmaking for a Sustainable Twin Transition (in session "Industry 4.0: Automation, modelling and on-line process analyses")
Green Steel Initiatives Supported by CERO Waste Refractory Concept, Enhanced Slag Engineering and Using Circular Metallurgical Additives. (in session "By-product management in iron and steel production")
Green Transition and the Future of Oxygen Steelmaking (in session "Plenary Talk")
High-speed liquid steel analysis for improved control of primary steelmaking (in session "Industry 4.0: Automation, modelling and on-line process analyses")
Highly Efficiency and Long Life Steelmaking Technology (in session "New developments in converter technology")
Highly efficient technologies for increased yields in steelmaking processes and reduced environmental impact - HIYIELD (in session "Energy savings and energy efficiency optimization")
Impact of elevated phosphorus content in hot metal on crude steel quality and the phase formation of slag (in session "New developments in converter technology")
Implementation of a Steel Ladle Identification and Localization System Based on Image Processing (in session "Industry 4.0: Automation, modelling and on-line process analyses")
Innovations and Optimizations in Tracing Non-Metallic Inclusions in Steel (in session "Impact of changed raw material mix on BOF process and secondary metallurgy")
Investigation of the reoxidation and material behaviour of directly reduced pellets (in session "CO2 mitigation in iron and steelmaking")
Kinetic Insights and Modeling for Oxygen Steelmaking Processes Future Perspectives (in session "Plenary Talk")
Microstructural effect of Al2O3 on the H2-based direct reduction of iron ore (in session "CO2 mitigation in iron and steelmaking")
Monolithic. Steel Ladles - Advanced and Sustainable Refractory Solution as part of the Green Steel Transformation (in session "Transformation towards electric steelmaking (EAF, SMELTER)")
New BOF references, equipment features and relining solutions (in session "New developments in converter technology")
Nitrogen Refining Kinetics in Current and Future Oxygen Steelmaking Process: Modelling and industrial validation (in session "New developments in converter technology")
Numerical Modeling of Hydrogen Electric Arcs for Optimizing Green Steel Production in EAF (in session "CO2 mitigation in iron and steelmaking")
Observation of fluid flow characteristics by bottom blowing in the EAF-shaped vessel using physical modelling (in session "Transformation towards electric steelmaking (EAF, SMELTER)")
Online Temperature and Deformation Measurement for Vessel Shell of Oxygen Steelmaking Converters (in session "New developments in converter technology")
Prospects of utilizing alternative fluxing agents for replacing fluorspar in steelmaking processes (in session "Impact of changed raw material mix on BOF process and secondary metallurgy")
Reducing CO2 Emissions and Increasing Scrap Recycling in the Integrated Blast Furnace - Basic Oxygen Steelmaking (in session "CO2 mitigation in iron and steelmaking")
Reducing Site Utilities Emissions and Energy Costs with Artificial Intelligence and Real Time Optimization. (in session "Energy savings and energy efficiency optimization")
Reducing use of fossil carbon and fuels to decarbonize the electric steelmaking route: evaluation of the effects of biomass and hydrogen exploitation in the Electric Arc Furnace (in session "CO2 mitigation in iron and steelmaking")
Reduction of Electrode Unit Consumption in Ladle Furnace (in session "Energy savings and energy efficiency optimization")
Reduction of energy losses of steel ladles by improved castables for the permanent lining (in session "Energy savings and energy efficiency optimization")
Refractory solutions for the transformation to Green Steel production – solving challenges due to new furnace designs and complex raw material demands for minimum conversion costs and high productivity. (in session "Transformation towards electric steelmaking (EAF, SMELTER)")
RH High-efficiency Combined Blowing Denitrification Technology Based on Microbubble Metallurgy (in session "Impact of changed raw material mix on BOF process and secondary metallurgy")
Selection of carbon bio-sources based on inherent properties and reactivity for electric smelting furnace applications (in session "Transformation towards electric steelmaking (EAF, SMELTER)")
Simulation of Logistics for Sustainable Steelmaking: Enhancing Efficiency in Green Steel Transitions (in session "Transformation towards electric steelmaking (EAF, SMELTER)")
Smart management of process off-gases paving the way to the decarbonization of the steel production route (in session "Energy savings and energy efficiency optimization")
Smelter for Green Iron Production and Consequences for the BOF (in session "Transformation towards electric steelmaking (EAF, SMELTER)")
Study for the evolution of Reoxidation products in Ti-added Al-killed Ultra Low Carbon Steel (in session "Impact of changed raw material mix on BOF process and secondary metallurgy")
Study on the reduction of hematite by hydrogen-rich gas: multi-step Reaction kinetics and Characterization (in session "CO2 mitigation in iron and steelmaking")
Techno-Economic and Environmental Assessment of By-product Coke-Making Using non-recyclable Waste Plastics: A European Perspective (in session "CO2 mitigation in iron and steelmaking")
The Exergy Analysis of Extracting Vanadium on Top and Bottom blowing oxygen converter in PanSteel Steelmaking Pla (in session "Energy savings and energy efficiency optimization")
The new Performance level - Catching up productivity gaps in BOF meltshops (in session "Energy savings and energy efficiency optimization")
The potential of selective adjustments to the suction gas in iron ore sintering to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (in session "CO2 mitigation in iron and steelmaking")
The Revival of the KOBM Process (in session "CO2 mitigation in iron and steelmaking")
The role of BOF Converter Steelmaking in the Decarbonization of Steel Production (in session "New developments in converter technology")
The way from BOF to EAF? Investigations and decisions to be done (in session "Transformation towards electric steelmaking (EAF, SMELTER)")
Transformation of TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY - Together for the generations to come (in session "Transformation towards electric steelmaking (EAF, SMELTER)")
Utilizing an AI counting system for shipping deformed steel bars (in session "Industry 4.0: Automation, modelling and on-line process analyses")
voestalpine’s Strategy for the CO2-reduced steel production in Austria (in session "Plenary Talk")
Zero-emission, low-cost hydrogen – Methane pyrolysis as game changer in metallurgy (in session "Plenary Talk")
Include materials from selected contributions