The role of BOF Converter Steelmaking in the Decarbonization of Steel Production

20 May 2025, 14:40
Room 1

Room 1

Oral Presentation - Presentation will be held without submitting a Full Paper New developments in converter technology New developments in converter technology


Mr Deepak Verma (Danieli Corus)


For our industry’s efforts to reduce its contribution to CO2 emissions, including larger amounts of pre-reduced metallics in the raw materials mix represents major potential. Within existing integrated plants, this can be applied at the blast furnace, but the BOF shop plays an equally important role. An overview of existing technologies and methods is set out in this paper. The study also deals with the economic and environmental aspects.

Speaker Country Netherlands

Primary author

Mr Deepak Verma (Danieli Corus)


Mr Peder Larsson (Danieli Corus) Mr Bart Van den Berg (Danieli Corus)

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