Utilizing an AI counting system for shipping deformed steel bars

21 May 2025, 16:10
Room 2

Room 2

Oral Presentation - Full Paper will be submitted Industry 4.0: Automation, modelling and on-line process analyses Industry 4.0: Automation, modelling and on-line process analyses


Mr Ryuuji  Kawakatsu (Tokai Steel Corporation)


The number of deformed steel bars is checked visually by human at the end of each product in each bundle. For this reason, in the case of thin-diameter product bundles in which the number of products in one bundle is large, not only is the burden on workers high, but the time required for the work also leads to a decline in shipping efficiency.
This time, by utilizing this technology and constructing a number management system that uses image recognition of end surfaces, we have reduced work time by 76% compared to the conventional method.

Keyword: AI, deformed steel bar, shipment, reduce workload

Speaker Country Japan
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Primary authors

Mr Ryuuji  Kawakatsu (Tokai Steel Corporation) Mr Takeshi Tanaka (Tokai Steel Corporation) Mr Akira Sueyoshi (Tokai Steel Corporation)

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