How robotics is transforming the steel production

21 May 2025, 16:50
Room 2

Room 2

Oral Presentation - Presentation will be held without submitting a Full Paper Industry 4.0: Automation, modelling and on-line process analyses Industry 4.0: Automation, modelling and on-line process analyses


Mrs Anna ZOPPIROLLI (BM Group)


This paper introduces a novel approach to enhance safety and efficiency in steel plant operations using smart robotics for steel sampling, Focusing on new robotic technologies for the harsh environments , these advancements reduce human exposure, improve accuracy, and boost productivity. High-speed, precision industrial robots with multi-tool capabilities ensure flexibility to adapt for both greenfields and brownfields. The integration of these customized robotic solutions supports digital transformation, aligning with Industry 4.0 principles, and shifts operational roles from manual to supervisory, enhancing long-term competitiveness.

Speaker Country Italia
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Primary author

Mr ION RUSU (BM Group)


Mrs Anna ZOPPIROLLI (BM Group)

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