Chromium balance in a BOF converter

21 May 2025, 09:30
Room 2

Room 2

Oral Presentation - Full Paper will be submitted Impact of changed raw material mix on BOF process and secondary metallurgy Impact of changed raw material mix on BOF process and secondary metallurgy


Dr Frank NH Schrama (Tata Steel R&D & Delft University of Technology)


To mitigate climate change and pollution of the environment, the steel industry has to decrease its CO2 footprint and increase its circularity. European steel companies are currently at the forefront of this transition towards green and circular steelmaking. Increasing the scrap input in the basic oxygen furnace (BOF) converter lowers the CO2 footprint and increases the circularity of the steel. However, when increasing the scrap input, the unwanted elements from the scrap, like copper and chromium, will increase in the steel product as well. To avoid negative effects of these unwanted elements on the steel product properties, a good overview is needed of where these elements come from and how much ends up in the steel.

For chromium, unlike for copper, the balance over the BOF process is complicated. Most chromium comes from the scrap, but the hot metal from the blast furnace contains typically around 0.01 wt% Cr as well. Depending on the process conditions in the BOF, the chromium partition between slag and liquid steel may differ.

In this study, a chromium balance over the BOF process is established, in which different sources of chromium, as well as how much ends up in steel, slag and dust, are included. Different scenarios, regarding different scrap types and amounts , and their effect on chromium partition are discussed.

Speaker Country Netherlands
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Primary authors

Dr Frank NH Schrama (Tata Steel R&D & Delft University of Technology) Mrs Roberta Botinha Lopes Cancado (Delft University of Technology & Tata Steel R&D) Dr Bapin K Rout (Tata Steel R&D) Dr Neslihan Dogan (Delft University of Technology) Dr Yongxiang Yang (Delft University of Technology)

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