Green Transition and the Future of Oxygen Steelmaking

20 May 2025, 10:45
Room 1

Room 1

Plenary Talk New developments in converter technology Plenary Talk


Gerald Wimmer (Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH, Vice President Converter Steelmaking)


The iron and steel industry is one of the largest industrial CO2 emitters and a transition to greener and more sustainable production routes is inevitable. The green transition will bring a number of new processes to our industry requiring optimization to ensure that the best production process is used for the targeted steel and product quality. Oxygen steelmaking will play a crucial role in this optimization leading to a more focused use of oxygen steelmaking for applications were it is strictly necessary while leaving the more easy grades to alternative production routes.

Speaker Country Austria
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Primary author

Gerald Wimmer (Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH, Vice President Converter Steelmaking)

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