voestalpine’s Strategy for the CO2-reduced steel production in Austria

20 May 2025, 11:15
Room 1

Room 1

Plenary Talk Energy savings and energy efficiency optimization Plenary Talk


Dr Kurt Satzinger (voestalpine Stahl GmbH, Senior Vice President Research & Development and Innovation)


voestalpine as the quality steel producer in Europe has developed a stepwise transition to a CO2-reduced steel production. Already now voestalpine is able to produce steel with lower CO2 emissions. In 2027 two EAF’s will start operation. With it’s stepwise transition and hybrid-steel production, voestalpine will keep the quality on the same level as now.

Speaker Country Austria
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Primary author

Dr Kurt Satzinger (voestalpine Stahl GmbH, Senior Vice President Research & Development and Innovation)

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