BOF Steelmaking - dead or alive? How to survive in the 21st century?

21 May 2025, 09:10
Room 2

Room 2

Oral Presentation - Full Paper will be submitted Impact of changed raw material mix on BOF process and secondary metallurgy Impact of changed raw material mix on BOF process and secondary metallurgy


Dr Jens Kempken (SMS group GmbH)


The transformation toward sustainable green production is focusing on hydrogen technologies and recycling of scrap.
The constraints of resources availability are known (green H2/electricity, high grade DRI, scrap volume and quality).
Therefore, the BOF process solution will remain for the next 25 years the prominent technology:
• Economic aspects on increasing P levels will define applied process solutions with optimized slag control.
• Synthetic hot metal will require adapted process control.
• Maximised scrap rates are in contradiction to tramp element control.
Solutions and perspectives will be presented to keep
the BOF technology fit for the future.

Speaker Country Deutschland
Are you interested in publishing the paper in a Steel Research International special issue? Yes

Primary author

Dr Jens Kempken (SMS group GmbH)

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