TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a.s. is on the threshold of strategic changes related to sustainable business. The new phase of operations will dramatically change the current form of steel production. The steelworks has already launched a transformation project that will lead to an environmentally friendly steel production process. The aim is to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the air. A key part of the transformation process is the construction of a modern electric arc furnace (EAF), which will produce steel mainly from scrap. We have prepared a study for the construction of the EAF and we provide the necessary infrastructure, in particular the connection to the electricity grid and the supply of scrap. We are working with a planned production capacity of 2.6 million tonnes of steel, using both BOF and EAF technology. This technology should be commissioned at the end of 2028. The total cost of the project will be in the order of several billion crowns.The overview of transformation in TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a.s. is described in this paper.
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