13th International Tooling Conference - Tooling 2025

from Monday, 24 March 2025 (09:00) to Wednesday, 26 March 2025 (20:00)
Grand Hotel Trento Piazza Dante

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
24 Mar 2025
25 Mar 2025
26 Mar 2025
09:00 --- Registration ---
Conference Opening (until 11:15) (Room 1)
Plenary Session - Massimo Pellizzari (University of Trento, Dpt. Industrial Engineering) (until 12:45) (Room 1)
11:15 Sustainable tool steel production - global challenges and solutions - Mr Michael Ebner (voestalpine BÖHLER Edelstahl GmbH & Co KG, Head of Environment and Investments & Developments)   (Room 1)
11:45 Sustainability of tool steels: PCF calculation of tool steels, the impact of tool steel PCF for the PCF of the products made with them and how to reduce tool steel PCF - Dr Hans-Willi Raedt (FRED GmbH, prosimalys GmbH, Shareholder, CEO)   (Room 1)
12:15 Die technology, sustainable materials, and smart industry at Volvo Cars - Johan Pilthammar (Volvo Cars, Technical Expert in the area of Simulation Driven Stamping Development & Blekinge Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor )   (Room 1)
Plenary Session - Harald Leitner (until 09:00) (Room 1)
08:30 Sustainable and secure molybdenum supply for the European tool steel industry - Prof. Hardy Mohrbacher (NiobelCon bvba, Owner & Managing Director)   (Room 1)
Keynote Session - Harald Leitner (until 10:15) ()
09:00 Trends and developments in HPDC-tooling - Mr Peter Hofer-Hauser (Montanuniversität Leoben, Chair of Casting Technology)   ()
09:25 Sustainable production and service behaviour of extra-large die casting dies - Mr John Stokes (IDRA S.R.L., General Manager)   ()
09:50 Additivemanufacturing for tooling at SECO - Dr Ingemar Bite (Seco Tools, R&D Manager )   ()
10:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Additive Manufacturing - Bojan Podgornik (Institute of Metals and Technology) (until 12:05) (Room 1)
10:45 Effect of titanium carbide additivation on the microstructure and processability of H13 tool steel in PBF-LB/M - Oliver Bürgi (Institut für Werkstoffanwendungen im Maschinenbau / RWTH Aachen)   (Room 1)
11:05 Increasing the service life of press hardening tools with the innovative EvolutionClad 58 coating solution using Laser Metal Deposition - Andreas Bartling (voestalpine Additive Manufacturing Center GmbH)   (Room 1)
11:25 Design and manufacture a cost-effective, high-performance plastic injection mould using a hybrid additive-subtractive manufacturing strategy - Dr Simon Chan (University of Auckland, New Zealand)   (Room 1)
11:45 Influence of heat treatment and scan rotation on the microstructure of hot work steel manufactured using L-PBF - Negar Panahi (Uddeholm AB)   (Room 1)
Die Casting - Hans-Günter Krull (Deutsche Edelstahlwerke Witten Krefeld GmbH) (until 11:45) (Room 2)
10:45 Development of an active tool insert to improve the properties of aluminum parts in low-pressure die casting - Dr Christoph Gayer (voestalpine Additive Manufacturing Center GmbH)   (Room 2)
11:05 Effect of H13 coating thickness on the mechanical and thermal properties of copper alloy substrates deposited via laser cladding - Prof. Massimo Pellizzari (University of Trento)   (Room 2)
11:25 Design and application of novel hot work die steel with high strength, high toughness and high heat conduction coefficient - Dr Jialong Tian (Northeastern University)   (Room 2)
Plenary Session - Massimo Pellizzari (University of Trento, Dpt. Industrial Engineering) (until 09:30) (Room 1)
09:00 What's ahead for remelted Tool steels and update on PM & AM Tool steels - Benedikt Blitz (SMR Premium GmbH)   (Room 1)
Keynote Session - Massimo Pellizzari (University of Trento, Dpt. Industrial Engineering) (until 09:50) ()
09:30 Research and development program as a solution for competitiveness of the Brazilian toolmaking sector - Dr Ana Paola Villalva Braga (Institute for Technological Research)   ()
Additive Manufacturing - Nader Asnafi (until 10:30) (Room 1)
09:50 High-quality refurbishing of high pressure die casting tools with Laser Metal Deposition of the hot-work tool steel Dievar - Mr Christian Mutke (voestalpine Additive Manufacturing Center GmbH)   (Room 1)
10:10 The potentials of using directed energy deposition (DED) to process a cold work tool steel for repairing purposes - Mohammad Saleh Kenevisi (Politecnico di Torino)   (Room 1)
Materials, Properties & Microstructure (until 10:30) (Room 2)
09:50 Investigation of microscopic non-metallic inclusions in powder metallurgical high-speed steels - Mr Manuel Schickbichler (Montanuniversitaet Leoben)   (Room 2)
10:10 Low temperature reversed austenite in the AISI D2 matrix - Paula Fernanda da Silva Farina (Unicamp)   (Room 2)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Additive Manufacturing - Nader Asnafi (until 12:20) (Room 1)
11:00 Multi-material steel assemblies by EB-PBF - Carlos Botero (Mid Sweden University)   (Room 1)
11:20 Microstructural analysis and wear resistance of Osprey® MAR 55 tool steel produced via Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Lorena Emanuelli (Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento)   (Room 1)
11:40 New dual-hardening AM alloy for tooling in HPDC - Miloslav Ognianov (voestalpine Böhler Edelstahl GmbH & Co KG)   (Room 1)
12:00 Direct energy deposition of chromium-molybdenum-vanadium LMD Vanadis 4 Extra© cold work tool steel - Dominic Bartels (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)   (Room 1)
Materials, Properties & Microstructure (until 12:20) (Room 2)
11:00 Effect of carbide precipitation along grain boundaries on the high-temperature service performance of 4Cr5Mo2V steel - Boya Wu (Shanghai University)   (Room 2)
11:20 Influence of viscous dissipation on the wear behaviour of plastic mold steels in injection molding - David Zidar (Montanuniversität Leoben, Institute of Polymer Processing)   (Room 2)
11:40 Investigation of factors influencing crack formation in cooling channels of injection moulds - Horst Zunko (voestalpine Böhler Edelstahl GmbH & Co KG)   (Room 2)
12:00 Martensitic stainless steel as coatings for continuous caster rolls - Lucia De Bortoli (Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche S.p.A.)   (Room 2)
12:45 --- Business Lunch ---
Additive Manufacturing - Faraz deirmina (Sandvik Additive Manufacturing) (until 15:50) (Room 2)
14:30 Short process chain by additive manufacturing - Dr Hans-Günter Krull (Deutsche Edelstahlwerke Witten Krefeld GmbH)   (Room 2)
14:50 Sliding wear and nitriding behavior of HWTS 50 tool steel tailored for L-PBF process - Jonathan Hann (University of Wuppertal, Chair of New Manufacturing Technologies and Materials)   (Room 2)
15:10 Additive manufacturing of hot-work tool steel by in-situ alloying using laser powder bed fusion and directed energy deposition – Strategies to improve chemical homogeneity - Felix Großwendt (Ruhr-universität Bochum)   (Room 2)
15:30 Directed energy deposition - Arc vs. casting: Enhancements of mechanical and thermal properties of hot-work tool steels through additive manufacturing - Mr Ulf Ziesing (Chair of Materials Technology, Institute for Materials, Ruhr-Universität Bochum)   (Room 2)
Sustainability -Dr Gerhard Hackl (ASMET) (until 15:50) (Room 1)
14:30 Sustainable advancements in component adjustment and sliding surface production - Rebecca Strzelczyk (Diamant Polymer Solutions)   (Room 1)
14:50 Increased sustainability through additive manufacturing and laser hardening of emission free tool steel – a case study. - Dr Hanna Nilsson Åhman (SSAB Emea AB)   (Room 1)
15:10 Effect of heating agent on scale formation of tool steels - Dr Hans-Günter Krull (Deutsche Edelstahlwerke Witten Krefeld GmbH)   (Room 1)
15:30 Sustainable PM high-speed steels: Options and challenges - Dr Harald Leitner (voestalpine Böhler Edelstahl GmbH & CoKG)   (Room 1)
15:50 --- Coffee Break ---
Fineblanking - Christoph Broeckmann (Institut für Werkstoffanwendungen im Maschinenbau / RWTH Aachen) (until 17:40) (Room 1)
16:20 Digital transformation in fine blanking - Mrs Lucia Ortjohann (RWTH Aachen University, MTI – Manufacturing Technology Institute )   (Room 1)
16:40 Carbide-related effects on the fatigue behavior of high-strength tool steels in the field of cold work applications - Alfred Hackl (voestalpine Böhler Edelstahl GmbH & Co KG)   (Room 1)
17:00 The propagation of short cracks near individual microstructural features studied in situ - Lukas Walch (Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH)   (Room 1)
17:20 ASP®2008, a new PM-HSS for high performance forming tools with improved wear and chipping resistance - Dr Stefan Sundin (Erasteel)   (Room 1)
Materials, Properties & Microstructure - Reinhold Schneider (Univ. of Appl. Sciences Upper Austria) (until 17:40) (Room 2)
16:20 Mechanical properties and thermal fatigue behavior of a novel hot work tool steel SDH68 for die casting applications - Dr Bingchen Li (Shanghai University)   (Room 2)
16:40 Innovation in advanced and sustainable prehardened steels: introducing Toolox 46 for high performance hot work tooling applications - Dr Hadi Torkamani (SSAB Special Steels)   (Room 2)
17:00 Impact of retained austenite on the corrosion behavior of Martensitic stainless steels. - Dr Krishnan Anantha (Uddeholms AB)   (Room 2)
17:40 --- Welcome Reception ---
12:05 --- Business Lunch ---
Fatigue - Christoph Turk (voestalpine Böhler Edelstahl GmbH & Co KG) (until 15:20) (Room 1)
14:00 Influence of cleanliness, carbide size and hardness on HCF strength and fatigue mechanisms in carbide-rich cold-work tool steels - Mr Lennart Mirko Scholl (RWTH Aachen University - IWM)   (Room 1)
14:20 Fatigue and life-time prediction resistance of low-alloy mould steels - Ms Marine Lachal (ArcelorMittal Industeel)   (Room 1)
14:40 Effect of surface condition on high-cycle fatigue behavior of PM-HIPed high-nitrogen martensitic tool steel - Ms Faezeh Javadzadeh Kalahroudi (Karlstad University)   (Room 1)
15:00 Influence of microstructure on fatigue life of cryogenically treated AISI H13 steel - Dr. Tarang Shinde (Yashoda Technical Campus, Satara, India)   (Room 1)
Surface Treatment & Coating - Pavel Krakhmalev (Karlstad University) (until 15:20) (Room 2)
14:00 Decoating of cutting tools exploiting vacuum and liquid plasma technologies - Andrea Lucchini Huspek (Politecnico di Milano)   (Room 2)
14:20 Effect of aluminum content on ion nitriding and nitriding kinetics of new SDAH13 extrusion die steel - Jie Ji (ShangHai University)   (Room 2)
14:40 Laser surface modification of CrVN coatings for self-lubricating performance - Bojan Podgornik (Institute of Metals and Technology)   (Room 2)
15:00 Wear performance of EDM-machined cermet substrates with different surface finishes - Dr Francesco Sordetti (University of Udine)   (Room 2)
15:20 --- Coffee Break ---
Fatigue - Aydın Şelte (Uddeholms AB) (until 16:50) (Room 1)
15:50 Microstructure, defects and fatigue response of high strength tool steels - Katerina Chantziara (Karlstad University)   (Room 1)
16:10 Fatigue strength in Additive Toolmaking: A study of Metal Binder Jetting and Electron Beam Melting for processing carbide-rich cold-work tool steels - Mr Frederik Tegeder (RWTH Aachen University - IWM)   (Room 1)
16:30 Mean stress sensitivity for carbide-rich PM tool steels under axial and torsional loading - Mr Lennart Mirko Scholl (RWTH Aachen University)   (Room 1)
Surface Treatment & Coating - Till Schneiders (Stemcor Special Products) (until 16:50) (Room 2)
15:50 Tribological and microstructural characterization of Coatings used on C75 tool steel - Niki Picco (University of Udine)   (Room 2)
16:10 Comparative study of conventional and nano-diamond coated wire drawing dies - Joakim Larsson (Örebro University)   (Room 2)
16:30 Surface induction hardening of a hot work tool steel for aircraft applications - Clémence Tafani-Maitre (Safran Transmission Systems)   (Room 2)
17:30 --- Conference Dinner incl. Wine Tasting at Cantina Rotari in San Michelle all'Adige - Departure by bus ---
Conference Closing (until 12:30) (Room 1)
12:30 --- Business Lunch ---
Plant Visits to Sandvik & ProM Facility (until 18:00) ()