Additive manufacturing of hot-work tool steel by in-situ alloying using laser powder bed fusion and directed energy deposition – Strategies to improve chemical homogeneity (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
Additivemanufacturing for tooling at SECO (in session "Die Casting")
ASP®2008, a new PM-HSS for high performance forming tools with improved wear and chipping resistance (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Carbide-related effects on the fatigue behavior of high-strength tool steels in the field of cold work applications (in session "Fatigue")
Comparative study of conventional and nano-diamond coated wire drawing dies (in session "Surface Treatment & Coating")
Decoating of cutting tools exploiting vacuum and liquid plasma technologies (in session "Surface Treatment & Coating")
Design and application of novel hot work die steel with high strength, high toughness and high heat conduction coefficient (in session "Die Casting")
Design and manufacture a cost-effective, high-performance plastic injection mould using a hybrid additive-subtractive manufacturing strategy (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
Development of an active tool insert to improve the properties of aluminum parts in low-pressure die casting (in session "Die Casting")
Die technology, sustainable materials, and smart industry at Volvo Cars (in session "Plenary Session")
Digital transformation in fine blanking (in session "Fineblanking")
Direct energy deposition of chromium-molybdenum-vanadium LMD Vanadis 4 Extra© cold work tool steel (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
Directed energy deposition - Arc vs. casting: Enhancements of mechanical and thermal properties of hot-work tool steels through additive manufacturing (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
Effect of aluminum content on ion nitriding and nitriding kinetics of new SDAH13 extrusion die steel (in session "Surface Treatment & Coating")
Effect of carbide precipitation along grain boundaries on the high-temperature service performance of 4Cr5Mo2V steel (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Effect of H13 coating thickness on the mechanical and thermal properties of copper alloy substrates deposited via laser cladding (in session "Die Casting")
Effect of heating agent on scale formation of tool steels (in session "Sustainability")
Effect of shot peening on plasma nitriding microstructure and properties of 4Cr5Mo2V steel (in session "Surface Treatment & Coating")
Effect of superfine pretreatment on carbides precipitation behavior of plastic S136 mould steel (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Effect of surface condition on high-cycle fatigue behavior of PM-HIPed high-nitrogen martensitic tool steel (in session "Fatigue")
Effect of titanium carbide additivation on the microstructure and processability of H13 tool steel in PBF-LB/M (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
Evolution mechanism of Mo-rich, B2-NiAl, and Cu-rich particles under high temperature and its influence on thermal stability and thermal fatigue in a maraging hot work steel SDH88 (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Fatigue and life-time prediction resistance of low-alloy mould steels (in session "Fatigue")
Fatigue strength in Additive Toolmaking: A study of Metal Binder Jetting and Electron Beam Melting for processing carbide-rich cold-work tool steels (in session "Fatigue")
High-quality refurbishing of high pressure die casting tools with Laser Metal Deposition of the hot-work tool steel Dievar (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
Impact of retained austenite on the corrosion behavior of Martensitic stainless steels. (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Increased sustainability through additive manufacturing and laser hardening of emission free tool steel – a case study. (in session "Sustainability")
Increasing the service life of press hardening tools with the innovative EvolutionClad 58 coating solution using Laser Metal Deposition (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
Influence of cleanliness, carbide size and hardness on HCF strength and fatigue mechanisms in carbide-rich cold-work tool steels (in session "Fatigue")
Influence of heat treatment and scan rotation on the microstructure of hot work steel manufactured using L-PBF (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
Influence of microstructure on fatigue life of cryogenically treated AISI H13 steel (in session "Fatigue")
Influence of viscous dissipation on the wear behaviour of plastic mold steels in injection molding (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Innovation in advanced and sustainable prehardened steels: introducing Toolox 46 for high performance hot work tooling applications (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Investigation of factors influencing crack formation in cooling channels of injection moulds (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Investigation of microscopic non-metallic inclusions in powder metallurgical high-speed steels (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Laser surface modification of CrVN coatings for self-lubricating performance (in session "Surface Treatment & Coating")
Low temperature reversed austenite in the AISI D2 matrix (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Martensitic stainless steel as coatings for continuous caster rolls (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Mean stress sensitivity for carbide-rich PM tool steels under axial and torsional loading (in session "Fatigue")
Mechanical properties and thermal fatigue behavior of a novel hot work tool steel SDH68 for die casting applications (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Microstructural analysis and wear resistance of Osprey® MAR 55 tool steel produced via Laser Powder Bed Fusion (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
Microstructure, defects and fatigue response of high strength tool steels (in session "Fatigue")
Multi-material steel assemblies by EB-PBF (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
New dual-hardening AM alloy for tooling in HPDC (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
Research and development program as a solution for competitiveness of the Brazilian toolmaking sector (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Research on laser cladding Fe-based alloy coating to enhance high-temperature friction and wear properties of H13 die steel (in session "Materials, Properties & Microstructure")
Short process chain by additive manufacturing (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
Sliding wear and nitriding behavior of HWTS 50 tool steel tailored for L-PBF process (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
Surface induction hardening of a hot work tool steel for aircraft applications (in session "Surface Treatment & Coating")
Sustainability of tool steels: PCF calculation of tool steels, the impact of tool steel PCF for the PCF of the products made with them and how to reduce tool steel PCF (in session "Plenary Session")
Sustainable advancements in component adjustment and sliding surface production (in session "Sustainability")
Sustainable and secure molybdenum supply for the European tool steel industry (in session "Plenary Session")
Sustainable development of established steels for high-pressure die casting tools (in session "Die Casting")
Sustainable PM high-speed steels: Options and challenges (in session "Sustainability")
Sustainable production and service behaviour of extra-large die casting dies (in session "Die Casting")
Sustainable tool steel production - global challenges and solutions (in session "Plenary Session")
The effect of ion nitriding temperature on the high-temperature wear resistance of austenitic die-casting mold steel SDHA (in session "Surface Treatment & Coating")
The potentials of using directed energy deposition (DED) to process a cold work tool steel for repairing purposes (in session "Additive Manufacturing")
The propagation of short cracks near individual microstructural features studied in situ (in session "Fatigue")
Trends and developments in HPDC-tooling (in session "Die Casting")
Tribological and microstructural characterization of Coatings used on C75 tool steel (in session "Surface Treatment & Coating")
Wear performance of EDM-machined cermet substrates with different surface finishes (in session "Surface Treatment & Coating")
What's ahead for remelted Tool steels and update on PM & AM Tool steels (in session "Plenary Session")
Include materials from selected contributions